Sunday, June 26, 2011

This is gotta be a good life

When you’re happy like a fool, let it take you over. When everything is out, you gotta take it in.

Hopelessly, I feel like there might be something that I’ll miss. Hopelessly, I feel like the window closes oh so quick.    Hopelessly, I’m taking a mental picture of you now; ‘cause hopelessly, the hope is we have so much to feel good about.

---One Republic

Something a lot of people don’t realize is that when you get diagnosed with a chronic illness that there is a huge mental factor. You have to accept the fact that for the rest of your life you will be sick. Every moment of every day. Whatever regimen you need to be on to be okay is a life long thing. You may be perfectly fine and live to see your grandchildren graduate or you may go downhill fast and loose the battle. I’m not trying to be depressing but this is the reality of what we, I, face. I am currently facing. I love my life, I love my family and friends. Most days I am happy and I just do what I need to stay that way. Other days, it’s all I can do to get out of bed.

Luckily, my doctor knows this. He takes it seriously and attacks it head on. That seems to be his way with everything.


My daughter is growing so fast. She turned 7 months last week and is just amazing. I can’t wait to see what her future holds.

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